Kappa Zeta Chapter | Arizona, USA

  • After being dormant for over 40 years the chapter was re-established in 2017 through the persistent efforts of Ray Laffin (retired Gamma Chapter Past President) with assistance from Keith Rudolph (Gamma) and George Hattendorf (Xi)
  • Charter Members: Chris Blue, Dan Bradstreet, Melanie Britton, Scott Burgener, Clark Chaffee, Frank Dubuy, Jon Gomez, Anne Haenfler, Eric Haenfler, Jennifer Hamilton, George Hattendorf, Bud Hilditch, Jim Hudson, Bill Humbert, Ken Jaeger, Ray Laffin, Brian Murphy, Charles Musgrave, Margene Pappas, Peter Pappas, Bob Rudy, Renee Shane-Boyd, Rich Shelton, Dennis Smith, Michael Willson, Milas Yoes
  • First Meeting: February 4, 2017 during the Arizona Music Educators Conference at the Mesa Convention Center, Mesa, AZ with International President Keith Bearden (Alpha Chapter) presiding. The oath was given by International Event Board Member Keith Rudolph (Gamma Chapter).
  • First Officers: Robert Rudy, President; Michael Willson, Vice-President; Dennis Smith, Secretary; George Hattendorf and Eric Haenfler, Board of Directors; Ray Laffin, Advisor.
  • Kappa Zeta includes at least 9 members who were previously members of Phi Beta Mu chapters including Texas, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, and South Dakota.